Film still from the short film Brothers to Sisters: Välimiehet performing “Sisters Are Doin’ It For Themselves” (2018, 3 min) by Nils Agdler & Timo Menke
Brothers to Sisters: Välimiehet performing “Sisters Are Doin’ It For Themselves” (2018, 3 min)
Brothers to Sisters is an ongoing series of choir works, initially produced in collaboration with the Porin Mies-Laulu male choirs in Pori, Finland. A male choir version of Annie Lennox’s and D. A. Stewart’s Sisters Are Doin’ it for Themselves (1985) is performed by the Välimiehet choir.
The younger male generation reflects changes in gender roles and masculinity, insofar as the paragon of masculinity has been the role of the man as the family’s breadwinner.
The Solo Show "Donor Portraits" at Pori Art Museum, Finland, March-September 2018.
Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, Section Distributor, Germany, 5 May 2018.
Kasseler Dokfest, Kurz und Knapp/Short and Sweet, Germany, 14 November 2018.
Exground Film Festival Wiesbaden, Germany, 17 November 2018.
The Solo Show "Andropause" at Ahlbergshallen in Östersund, Sweden, November 2018.
Fivehundredthousand at Deptford Cinema, London, UK, 6 April 2019.
”Halfflloor”, Fylkingen, Stockholm, May 2019.
The group show "Analogue Funny Weather" at Eldhunden, Stora mossen, Stockholm, Oktober-November 2020.
Black sphere Online Film Festival, Prague, The Czech Republic in February 2021.
The film is distributed by Filmform.